I was born under unusual circumstances.” And so begins “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,”
Brad Pitt as Benjamin tells the story..
it is a breath taking movie, you can not go anywhere till you get to the end of it ! though it is a little bit long !(2 hrs 43 minutes ) yet I didnot feel it , I was curious and attached all movie , captured by the acting and story.
This is my best movie in so loooooong....One of best movies Ever.
It just hit me in so many lines , like you will never know whats coming for you , life is measured by moments , be yourself, live it yourway..dont let others take control of it...
it lets you think of your life , analyze what you been through and what you dream for ..and tells you there is nothing impossible.
It shows you the fears of aging old as much as if you do young , it goes beynod your expectations..
it has love, war, motherhood,young,old,.....all you can think of.
Benjamin is growin younger , although we all hate growin old , Benjamin will make you think of it again..
I can not find words desribing how much I loved the movie , this is a sooooooooo damn GOOD movie ...I will see it over and over ..I do not want to stop talkin about it really !
Though the timing I saw it in was not a so good one , I was in deep blue, yet the movie helped me get out of it .
Brad Pitt as always Rocks !! he ROCKS !! Big Time !!!!..how brilliant is he ?? he makes you cry , smile , laugh....he just gets to you easliy ..you will enjoy seein him acting, gettin OLD,YOUNG,whatever really !!! he ROCKS ! he is awesome.
I am not surprised to know it's been nominated for 5 golden globes.
For full synopsis go to : IMDB
Do not miss that one !! Do not !! you will regret it , I tell you
Hope then you enjoy it as much as I did.
it was a little weird to see an old version of Brad Pitt's face pasted onto a kid's body, but i guess that's why they call it a "curious case"
but did not you enjoy it ?? tell me ??
the movie is amazing, i am completely in love wz Brad Pitt
Girl,I am glad that you liked the movie!!
I love him ...I loved the movie hysterically!
he is amazing ,awesome....
now I hv to deal with Angelina and a Brownie ,hmmm :)
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