Monday, January 2, 2012

I lost my father

My father passed away last week.
I experienced the minute of him passing away,He was in my car infact.sitting on the rear seat.
He was laughing and talking normally , we been to the elections place, he went down and voted, and then came back.he spoke normally.and just a couple of minutes later , he was dead.
It is very hard on me, very hard that I am even writing this,
I owe him a lot. I owe him apology on my sillyness, my tough attitude, my rudeness in most of times. I always thought I have reason for that , that the GAP between us was getting big and bigger that I thought there is no hope in becoming close ever again.
I was his favorite,his special daughter, I frankly knew that, but I lived last decade believing I am not. I chose to believe I am doing good to him and that is enough, and I am not obliged to do more.
I used to argue all his talks, all his opinions, I believed we are totally different , that no need to argue.
I was foolish, I was stupid , I miss him badly.I miss you dad.I want you back.
I miss you a lot.
I miss him in everything I do and I don't.
I feel not only I lost my father, but I lost my back and support.
I knew that I always had someone to go back to, and depend on.he was my back.
I would go back to him and ask him on whatsoever, as he always had an answer for every question.and any question.
He wouldn't see me in trouble and stand still ! he was always there , especially with whatsoever related to my car, I recently had a bad situation with my car , and I recall he was calling me every each hour to comfort me and just to tell me , he is there is I need him.and when I need him, he is there ,indeed.I miss him.
I knew I always had a father that I can depend on . He taught us to do everything as well, to be fully independent, I sometimes blamed him on that , I wanted to enjoy some dependency,yet I now know I was dependent on him. sleeping over,and knowing that I don't have to care about tomorrow,coz he is there.not to worry , he is there.
no need to worry the trouble we sometimes dig ourselves in, coz he was there.
and now he is not ! and I feel like Lost!!
I sometimes imagine he will be back, as of returning of along trip , I see him around the house, I feel he is still there at most of times.around his chair , his bed..the places are still the same, we haven't moved it an inch! and it all reminds me of him.
I miss you dad. miss you like I never thought i would miss you this way.
I miss you and I cry everynight hoping and praying that you would be in a better state.
I pray each night since that day that your soul rest in peace, and that you forgive me.
I wish you come just one day , one hour , and I would make it up , I would do all the right things in the world,and undo all the wrong I have done.
I see him everyday, I see him all day long, I still picture him in my car ,when I look in the front mirror, I still see his face.hear his laugh!
I still hear his voice. I still picture him in all life situations, especially on those I used to lean back on him.
I love you dad, love you so much , I am sorry I wasn't saying it a lot. I was not saying it though I feel it deeply. I love you.
I cry a lot , I will never forget you . I will never forgive myself for not being there whenever you asked me to ! I am sorry I was always having excuses for not being there. I hate myself for being so away. I hate now all the reasons that kept me that far .
I wish if you can come back , that I tell you all this , I speak to you in my dreams, I wish you are here now with me.
I am sorry dad, but you know that I love you and I terribly miss you.
sealed with tears.


Brownie said...

I am so sorry for you loss and ya Rab yer7amo we ye3'fer lih ya Rab.

batates_777 said...

amiiin, thank you Brownie.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry for your loss :( .
May God bless his soul .
I hope that what you have written have awaken some naive girls out there who take thier fathers for granted.
Parents wont stay forever , everyone should remember that !

batates_777 said...

thnkx Anonymous,Hopefully we can learn it before we lose'em.

batates_777 said...

thnkx Anonymous,Hopefully we can learn it before we lose'em.

Crystal Lobna said...

There is nothing I can say that would make you feel any better, nothing in the world would. I can only imagine your pain , agony and regret. but rest assured my darling he knew of your love, he was happy to see you happy. and although it was hard for you, but you were with him when he passed away. so you probably was the one of the last people he heard before he passed away. he felt loved. Don't ever forget that. My condolences batates and keep praying for him. InshAllah he will end up in Jenna.

batates_777 said...

ya rab , allahoma Amiiin.
Thank You Lobna.