Wednesday, December 31, 2008

No Plans for new yearz Eve !

I have no plans so far for new year's eve , it is not like I must celebrate it or though ! at all !
It is just a day as any other day , yet I am missing some concert I used to go to in new yrz eve.

This year I am not goin to , for so many reasons actually , on top : Gaza and whats happening there ! how can one be celebrating with fire and kill on borders ! with the helpless Gaza !
let alone , my fiance who wasnot willing to go for it this yr, coz of the crowd and bahdala we faced last yr.
anywayz, the concert is cancelled " from the sponsors themselves " ..empathizin Gaza .

I do not mind sittin at home , watchin TV , most likely it will be followin NEWS channels, which will bring more sad here ..who is not sad for whats happening in Gaza !

This night brings back memories,so long ago , when I used to sit at home and watch Tv , with my whole family around ..we watch a movie masalan " sooo many yeras back was scent of a woman :) how i still recall that ?!! "
or we watch a live concert, or just surfing between european channels to see the celebrations world wide ..I recall too, that we used to make a delivery order that night , most likely Burger and pizza..we eat and eat ...then ne2az2az lebb :D couldnot be said any better ! :)
ouff..those days were really good !

I too recall that in so many times I used to hv exams on 1st of Jan , so the new years eve was a nightmare too ! lots of studies, pain that I am not sharing with family this tradition " unless for the burger part "...I feel like 7aramouny mn ahham 7aga ! watchin Tv that night ! Oh god , those days I dont long !

Also, there were times when I used to go for some house parties, not a raving party ..that was like aparty held at one of my friends houses , for girls mainly , we talk , dance , and sure eat too !..that was good too , was fun indeed..i miss those ones.

years later , i had in my routine that concert which is taking place every year same time , which I am not goin to this yr .

My Finace , you should have planned for that ahead ? I donno ! I know I am not into having this night as aspecial thing ! as i mentioned earlier it is an ordinary night.
yet , I used to hv some plan about it , and this year as long as we are together , I think " THINK " you should hv planned smth for both of US together! maybe it could have been some fancy dinner? some...I donno , it is you who should have done the thinking!!..but you just didnot ! at all! you just showed you are nt into the concert and didnt give any alternatives ! though I stressed on you doin the choice and plan ? yet You didnt :(
am not in the mood anyway ...but I wouldnot mind you having plans for it again ..but you just didnt !! good for you that it comes along my not so good mood..and feeling that we cant be doing anything ..the least we can do for Gaza . words will ever be enough support and show that we all here are praying for you
rabenna ma3ako we yonsorko ya rab ...
with love sealed in tears to Gaza..
Kollena Gaza.

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