Na3am !!! ...this is the expression you most likely will feel after the movie ends :)..it is influenced by El-lemby the guy who affected badly boyz vocabulary ,hence affectin mine :)) thank god I only use the Na3am ! nothin else :)
anywayz..back to the movie..well, its hard to say ,,i didnt like it I know...neither I did ! msh 3arfa ! I know I am done with super heros movies and that kind of action...doneeee...so I didnt expect to see will smith doin stuff more than superman do..I didnt like...the drama line was about to do it to me but finally it didnot convince me by anymeans...
Will Smith is a good actor I believe, esp after the moviez Hitch and Pursuit of happiness...yet that ONe,I am sorry I didnt like ...I only liked few things about it ! which I cant even recall now !! godd..i just saw the movie...errrrrrrr
even for charlize theron,I didnt like her...I luv her in short hair anyway :):)!!..
well, a movie that wasnt that harmful ..not a waste of time if you still into super heroes movies...it is not that bad ! is it ??
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