Another Hit for Mounir..Ta3m elbeyout, the new album for mounir which had been released few weeks back....it is amazing..for each song , its lyrics , the new remixes and compisitions ..the quality of music and afterall and before THE SOUND of mounir...oufff....he just got some talent sub7an allah..his voice is not just so clear , deap , so meaningful , so egyptian ...so good to be true ...he is one of a kind in that field..
Mounir , has been a phenomena and will always be...you gotta attend some of his concerts here at the cairo opera house and you will find out what am talkin about !! all those nubians comin from the most southern part of egypt to all over egypt..a crowd of more than 100 thousands as per last new years'eve concert ....a concert you not so sure if you can catch your breath in , but Mounir's sound will be surroundin you all over..by the crowd all repeatin his songs after him and actin and doin poses like his..it is hillariouos.
Ta3m el beyout is a one good album , you really cant chose between songs..they are all amazing...
i linked here his official page,and you will find it within my pages too.. it is worth a visit if you into him or have no clue whom am talkin about and need to see it yourself..you ll find there downloads , interviews, videos...and so many other interesting stuff.
Moreover, he is holding the summer concert next ,july on the 11 th @ cairo opera housa..
he will also be performin live on tv in el beit beitak show : next wednesday 18/6.
Enjoy it.
it has been confirmed by the official opera site that the summer concert will be held on July 11th,2008 at z opera space,
Enjoy it.
it has been confirmed by the official opera site that the summer concert will be held on July 11th,2008 at z opera space,
Enjoy it.
u have an excellent taste by the way, i love Monir gedan and one of my life's dreams is to go to one of his live concerts.
No way !!!!!!!
how come you hvnt been to any of his concerts before ??? you nt a real fan then !!
you really have to !
you cant be missing that ! and I mean it ! You have to !!
it is crwoded ,it is full of shit..whatever you hear,,,you are missing alott..his concert is a state of trance ! you gotta see it yourself!
dont go to the new yrz,! you can go to the one upcomin in summer ..it is not as crowded as the new yrz..and I wonder how you have one of your life dreams that near to you and just dont approach !! do it ! and one dream will be down then:)) but you will get used to it, and wont be missing any concert then..
I just love himmmmmm..he is amazing..beyond words...
girl, gotta do it...ok?
all my friends even my brother refused to go to any of his concerts wz me coz of the reasons u mentioned :(
but u encouraged me to go, keep us updated with his summer concert please
yes yes yes...I will sure do insha2allah..
also , there is a concert in Fall "far I know" but that one is normally in GUC which is kind of different than the one in opera house..you can even see lots of families there! and the place is huge so you will never feel the bad reasons..
and for the summer concert, i will keep you updated..believe me it's worth it..
tell you smth , I even been to couple of his concerts alone! all alone !...dont really worry, you can always enjoy yourself and have a cornet to watch and enjoy without really noticing what some jerks are doing.
anywayz i will keep you posted :)
hv you seen the new clip ? naygrebeeeh..?awesome!
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